Looking for answers?  Most questions can be answered quickly by searching our Frequently Asked Questions.

  • chevron_right Can I use the amenity (pool) cards left for me by the previous owner?
    When a resident sells their property, the amenity (pool) cards are deactivated by the Cinco Associations Office.  Amenity cards left by the previous owner cannot be reused.
  • chevron_rightCan I rent the pool for a birthday party?
    Cinco Ranch (Cinco I) pool rental is managed by the professional pool management company, 'A-Beautiful Pools'.  Click here or call 281-376-6510 to book a pool party. Residents must be in good financial standing in order to rent a pool.
  • chevron_rightCan I reserve a field for league practice?
    Cinco Ranch Resident Coaches may reserve a field for league practice if they meet the requirements approved by the CRPA Board of Directors.  You will find the forms and requirements on this web site under Amenities/League Play Athletic Fields.
  • chevron_rightCan I reserve a park or playground for a birthday party?
    Parks and playgrounds are not available for rent. They are considered "open space" and are for the use of all Cinco Ranch (Cinco I) residents and their guests. The parks and playgrounds in Cinco Ranch (Cinco I) are on a first come first serve basis.  Parks are open for use from 6am to 10pm seven (7) days a week.  If your event has music, please be respectful of the surrounding neighborhood.
  • chevron_rightCan I use the Cinco Southwest (Cinco II) pools and tennis courts?
    Cinco Ranch (Cinco I) and Cinco Southwest (Cinco II) have a shared use agreement that is reviewed every few years. All residents of Cinco I and Cinco II have access to all pools, tennis courts, Lake House Rental, hike and bike trails, and numerous parks and sports fields.  
  • chevron_rightHow do I get a copy of the waiver for the pools?
    Click here for the pool usage waiver form.  A completed waiver is required to enter the facility.
  • chevron_rightHow do I get an amenity (pool) card for the Cinco Ranch amenities?
    If you are a new resident to Cinco Ranch (Cinco I), you will need your closing documents, picture ID and a personal check or money order for payment.  We do not accept cash, debit or credit cards.  If you have lost your amenity (pool) card or just need an additional card, please bring your picture ID along with payment to the Cinco Associations Office (3022 Windemere Park Lane, Katy, TX 77494 between the hours of 9am and 5pm).  Pool cards are $25.00 each, and there is a 4 card maximum per household.
    If you are leasing a home in Cinco I, a Notice of Tenant Residency Form (NTRF) is required for renters to access all amenities of the community including pool cards. The form must be signed by the property owner and tenant.  This form requires all occupants to agree to abide by the Governing Documents and the Cinco Associations rules and regulations. Along with the NTRF, a copy of the signed lease agreement, picture ID and payment is required. 
    Residents and Tenants are allowed 4 guests per card.  If you have additional questions, please contact the Onsite Management Team via email at cinco@inframark.com or via phone (281)599-0408.
    For Cinco II Residents (West of Katy Gaston): Please visit or call your HOA Office (25202 Springwood Lake Drive, Katy, TX 77494; 231-394-7195; Mon, Wed, Fri) to obtain pool keys. You can also visit the Pools page on the Cinco II website for more information.
  • chevron_rightHow do I make a tennis reservation?
    Tennis reservations for the ten (10) Cinco I tennis courts may be made two weeks in advance at courtreserve.com.  You will need to obtain a membership approval before you reserve a court for the first time. If you have any questions contact the Management Team using the Contact Us form.  It may take up to 2 business days to verify residency and receive membership approval. There is no charge to reserve the courts.
    Click here for information about the tennis courts in Cinco II.
  • chevron_rightWho do I contact if my amenity (pool) card does not work at the Cinco II amenities?
    If you are a Cinco I resident, and your amenity (pool) card works in Cinco I but not in Cinco II, you will need to bring your card and picture ID to the Cinco Associations Office (3022 Windemere Park Lane Katy, TX 77494) Monday through Friday between 9am and 5pm to be verified.
  • chevron_rightWho do I contact if my amenity (pool) card stops working?
    If your amenity card does not work at one of the pools, parks or tennis courts, please try it at another gate or amenity.  If you find the card still does not work at the Cinco I amenity, bring your card and picture ID to the Cinco Associations Office to be verified.  If the card is physically damaged, you will have to purchase a new one.  We do not replace damaged cards.  
Community Utilities
  • chevron_rightWhat Municipal Utility District (MUD) do I live in?
    Cinco Ranch is not within the city limits of Katy, therefore your water is provided by a Municipal Utility District (MUD). Click here to be taken to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) water districts map viewer to determine which MUD district provides water to your address. Enter your address in the search window, and then click on the map. The information on your MUD district will open in a separate window.
    Or you can use the interactive map on our Community Maps page to locate your neighborhood.  
  • chevron_rightHow do I find out more information about Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs)?
    Please click here to learn more about Municipal Utility Districts.
  • chevron_rightWho are the water management companies for Cinco Ranch (Cinco I)?
    There are two water management companies in Cinco Ranch, Inframark (281-579-4500) and SI Environmental (832-490-1601). Depending upon which MUD provides water to your home, the water management company will either be Inframark or SI Environmental. Some of the water management company's responsibilities are reading and auditing water meters, repairs and maintenance, and billing and collections.
  • chevron_rightHow safe is our drinking water?
    Inframark (281-579-4500) and SI Environmental (832-490-1601) provide Annual Reports on the excellent quality of water provided to our residents. Please contact the companies directly for the latest information.
  • chevron_rightWhat is reclaimed water?
    Why are some water pipes purple and others white? Click here for more information.
  • chevron_rightWhat is an "even-odd" watering schedule?
    There may arise the need to declare a voluntary or mandatory watering schedule to conserve water due to lack of rainfall and high temperatures. The County will make the declaration and alert the community. If your house address ends in an even number you are permitted to water on even days, and if your address ends in a odd number you are asked to water on an odd day. Notices will be placed throughout the community by the County.
  • chevron_rightWhat waste products should not be flushed or poured in the drain.
    There are various items that should not be flushed or poured in a drain. Prescription drugs are extremely dangerous for the water supply. Sewage treatment facilities are not capable of filtering or removing residual pharmaceuticals; which are then released into our oceans, rivers and lakes. Small amounts of prescription drugs have been found in tap water.
    1. Prescription Drugs
    2. Floss
    3. Grease, Oil and Fat
    4. Band Aids
    5. Disposable / Flushable Wipes
    6. Disposable Diapers
    7. Tampons and Pads
    8. Paper Towels
    9. Kitty Litter
  • chevron_rightWho do I contact if our street lights are out?
    CenterPoint Energy maintains the street lights throughout our electric service area.  Click here for information about reporting a street light outage - to complete this form you will need the pole number(s) of the non-functioning light(s).
    If you need to report a power outage please call 713-207-2222 or 800-332-7143, or view the Outage Tracker for current electric outage information.
  • chevron_rightWho handles mosquito spraying for the Association? When do they spray?
    The Association's mosquito control contractor is Cypress Creek Mosquito Control. The current schedule for Cinco I is Thursday evenings (dusk to dawn).
  • chevron_rightDoes the Association pay for additional Constable patrols?
    Yes, Cinco Residential Property Association has an annual contract with the Constables to ensure our community has additional patrols.
  • chevron_rightHow are homeowner assessments determined?
    Every year the Board of Directors, Finance Committee, Neighborhood Representatives and Onsite Management staff work together to create a zero-based budget based on the contractual, maintenance and replacement needs of the Association. The Board of Directors reviews and approves the final budget for the Association. The approved annual budget is communicated via the community website, Cinco Connect, resident e-blasts, and annual assessment statements. Assessments are due every year by December 31st and become delinquent January 31st without exception. If you do not receive the Annual Assessment statement by December 1st, contact the Onsite Management Team immediately for a statement copy using the Contact Us form.  
    Fees are mandatory and the method of assessments is dictated in the governing documents. The goal of the Board of Directors and the Finance Committee is to develop a budget that meets our immediate needs and future reserve expenditures. The Cinco Residential Property Association has one of the lowest assessments in Texas for an Association of our size and number of amenities offered.
  • chevron_rightHow do I know if I live in Cinco I or Cinco II?
    Visit the Community Maps page and locate your address in the interactive map.
  • chevron_rightHow do I report a lost or found item?
    The Association maintains a Lost and Found service to reunite residents with their misplaced items. Visit the Lost and Found page (located under the Information tab) and click on the link to submit a posting, or you can come into the Association office (address listed at the bottom of the page).
    Found items will be retained for 45 days, and if identifiable, the Management Company will attempt to contact the owner.
  • chevron_rightIs notary service available at the Cinco Associations office?
    Notary service is available for Cinco Ranch (Cinco I) residents at the Cinco Associations office (3022 Windemere Park Lane, Katy, TX 77494, Monday through Friday 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm). The service is free for a maximum of 2 documents per 30 day period for each residence. In order to ensure a notary is available, please contact the Onsite Management Team using the Contact Us form for an appointment. 
  • chevron_rightWhat are the specific duties of the CRPA Board of Directors?
    The Board of Directors is considered the executive branch of the Association, and as such has certain powers and duties necessary to ensure that the day-to-day responsibilities of the Association are carried out. These powers and duties are outlined in the Governing Documents and include, but are not limited to, developing the annual budget and setting assessments, promulgating and enforcing rules and regulations, administering the architectural scheme of the community and regulating exterior appearance of the homes (through the Covenant Advisory Committee, the Modification Committee and Management), and providing the necessary personnel and contractor services to maintain all commonly owned property and facilities.
    Details concerning the responsibilities, powers, and duties of the Board of Directors may be found in the Cinco Residential Property Association's Articles of Incorporation, Declaration of Protective Covenants, and By-Laws.
  • chevron_rightWhere is my Association Office?
    The Cinco Associations Office is located at 3022 Windemere Park Lane; three (3) blocks north of Cinco Ranch Blvd on Westheimer Parkway.  Click here to view the interactive map at the bottom of our homepage.
Grounds and Common Areas
Modification Information
Streets and Parking
  • chevron_rightWhat vehicles are not allowed to park in the community?
    Certain vehicles are not allowed to park in Cinco I.  Commercial vehicles, vehicles with commercial writing on their exteriors, vehicles primarily used or designed for commercial purposes, tractors, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, trailers (either with or without wheels), campers, camper trailers, boats and other watercraft, and boat trailers shall only be parked in enclosed garages or areas, if any, designated by the Board of Directors or by the Neighborhood Association. (Declaration of Protective Covenants Article XII, Section 2b)
    If your vehicle has business markings, please conceal the markings with a plain placard.
  • chevron_rightAre homeowners permitted to park cars on the street in front of their residence?
    Street parking is prohibited in Cinco Ranch (Cinco I). Residents and guest vehicles must be parked within the resident's garage or in the driveway without blocking the sidewalk. In the event that the driveway is full, street parking is allowed for guests of the resident. A periodic service provider that is providing a service to a resident's home (e.g. cable, electrician, plumber, etc) may park in the street, but this provision does not apply to a caregiver or domestic help that provides services to the resident on a routine basis unless they have a magnetic door sign visible to vehicles driving by. Official law enforcement vehicles (e.g. city, county or state) that are clearly identified as such, or emergency vehicles providing services to a home, including but not limited to fire or emergency medical services are permitted to park in the street.
    The Board of Directors may grant temporary variances to the provision as it deems appropriate and necessary in its sole discretion. The Board of Directors may require vehicles granted a temporary variance to maintain a pass prominently displayed in or on the vehicle so as to be easily identified.    
  • chevron_rightIs there a restriction on short term parking of RVs owned by residents or visitors?
    Recreational Vehicles (RVs) are not permitted to park overnight in Cinco I. They must be stored offsite.
  • chevron_rightHow do I request a variance to park in front of my residence? (Updated)
    In extenuating circumstances, an application may be submitted for a temporary street parking pass. You may send an email to requests@cincoranch.life to request and application.
  • chevron_rightAre residents allowed to park vehicles on common grounds?
    Residents are not allowed to park vehicles on the Cinco Associations common grounds. Any subsequent cost to repair landscaping and irrigation system damages will be charged to the residents and/or their guests.
  • chevron_rightWho owns and maintains the streets in Cinco Ranch (Cinco I)?
    Depending on the location, Fort Bend County or Harris County is responsible for the maintenance and striping of the public streets. Streets within the gated neighborhoods are considered private and are maintained by the Association and funded from the neighborhood's reserves.
Trash and Recycling
  • chevron_rightMy trash service provider is Best Trash. What are the trash pickup days for my neighborhood?
    Best Trash 281.313.2378          
    Neighborhood Garage Curb Service Day Recycling Bulk Day
    Arbor on WillowFork
      x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Bayou Crossing   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Bayou Oaks   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Bayou Pines   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Bayou Wood   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Barrington Park x   Tue/Fri Tuesday Friday
    Canterbury Village   x Tue/Fri Tuesday Friday
    Creek Bend Crossing   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Crescent Ridge   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Eagles Creek   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Fieldstone   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    GreenBriar   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Greenway Village x   Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Hunters Glen   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Laurel Springs   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Meadow Place   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Meadow Glen   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Meadow Green   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Parkland Place   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Pine Grove   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Prairie Grove   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Saddlebrook Crossing   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Shadow Pointe   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    South Park   x Tue/Fri Monday Friday
    Summer Point   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Sunset Landing   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Woodhaven   x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Legacy Place   x Wed/Sat Saturday  
    Logan Hollow   x Wed/Sat Saturday  
    SomerGlen   x Wed/Sat Saturday  
    Summer Sage   x Wed/Sat Saturday  
    Wren Creek   x Wed/Sat Saturday  
  • chevron_rightMy trash service provider is GFL Environmental. What are the trash pickup days for my neighborhood?
    GFL Environmental 281.368.8397          
    Neighborhood Garage Curb Service Day Recycle Bulk Day
    Autumn Grove
    x   Mon/Thur Thursday Thursday
    Bayou Forest
      x Tue/Fri Tuesday Friday
    Bayou Parks Estates
    x   Tue/Fri Tuesday Friday
    Briar Chase
      x Tue/Fri Tuesday Friday
    Cottage Grove
      x Tue/Fri Tuesday Friday
      x Tue/Fri Tuesday Friday
      x Tue/Fri Tue/Fri Friday
    Lamplight Village
    x   Mon/Thur Mon/Thur Thursday
    Meadow Grove
      x Tue/Fri Tuesday Friday
    Meadow Ridge
    x   Mon/Fri Mon/Thur Thursday
    North Lake Village (Brentwood)
    x   Mon/Fri Monday Friday
    North Lake Village (Andover Green)
      x Tue/Fri Tuesday Friday
    North Lake Village (Brentwood Glen)
      x Mon/Fri Monday Friday
    Park Hollow
      x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Park Trace
      x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Park View
      x Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    Prestwick Estates
      x Tue/Fri Tuesday Friday
    Shadow Bend (Back door service)
        Mon/Thur Monday Thursday
    South Lake Village
    x   Tue/Thur Tuesday Friday
    The Retreat
      x Tue/Thur Tuesday Tue/Fri
    University Place
      x Tue/Fri Tuesday Friday
  • chevron_rightMy trash service provider is Texas Pride. What are the trash pickup days for my neighborhood?
    Texas Pride 281.342.8178          
    Neighborhood Garage Curb Svc Day Recycling Bulk  Day
    Bentgreen Place   x Tues/Fri Tuesday Everyday
    Briar Terrace   x Tues/Fri Tuesday Everyday
    North Lake Village (Cambridge Crossing)   x Tues/Fri Tuesday Everyday
    Fairway Manor   x Tues/Fri Tuesday Everyday
    Greenwood Grove   x Tues/Fri Tuesday Everyday
    Indian Ridge   x Tues/Fri Tuesday Everyday
    Indian Springs   x Tues/Fri Tuesday Everyday
    Lake Pointe   x Tues/Fri Tuesday Everyday
    Sage Meadows   x Tues/Fri Tuesday Everyday
    Somerset   x Tues/Fri Tuesday Everyday
    Spring chase   x Tues/Fri Tuesday Everyday
    Stanford Park   x Tues/Fri Tuesday Everyday
    Sterling Ridge   x Tues/Fri Tuesday Everyday
    Sutters Way   x Tues/Fri Tuesday Everyday
    North Lake Village (Turnberry Meadow)   x Tues/Fri Tuesday Everyday
    Wellington Place   x Tues/Fri Tuesday Everyday
  • chevron_rightWhere do I find additional information on my trash service?
    Residents should have all trash ready for pickup by 7:00am. Please refer to the Neighborhood Trash Contract for additional information.
    Best Trash: Visit www.best-trash.com or call 281-313-2378 for information on the holiday schedule, bulk and heavy trash, recycling and frequently asked questions.
    GFL Environmental: Visit www.gflenv.com or call 281-368-8397 for information on the holiday schedule, recycling, bulk and heavy trash, starting or stopping service, ordering a container, etc.
    Texas Pride: Visit www.texaspridedisposal.com or call 281-342-8178 for information on the holiday schedule, containers, service, bulk and heavy trash, recycling, etc.
  • chevron_rightWhere is the nearest recycling or disposal center?
    There are various agencies that accept recycling. Please check our Community Links and Numbers page to obtain a list of items that they will accept, hours and fees.
    Fort Bend County Recycling 1200 Blume Rd, Rosenberg, TX 77471 281-633-7581
    Items accepted: Paint, Stains, Household Cleaners, Chemicals, Fertilizers, Aerosol Products, Pesticides, Herbicides, Pool Chemicals, Florescent light bulbs, gasoline, flammable liquids, Mercury (thermometers and thermostats), etc. Pricing is $1 per gallon up to 14 gallons, and $5 per gallon over 15 gallons.
    Several other recycling facilities are listed below:
    Katy Recycling Center 1011 Katyland Dr, Katy, TX 77493 281-391-4455
    Katy Scrap Metal 27239 Highway Blvd, Katy, TX 77494 832-904-5865
    Waller County Recycle Facility 32159 Morton Rd, Brookshire, TX 77423 281-391-2009
  • chevron_rightWho can I call to donate items that will pickup from my home?
    There are several groups that will pick up items from your home. 
    College Hunks Hauling 281-918-8134
    Harbor Ministries 713-947-2469
    Houston Helping Hands 832-528-3133
    Salvation Army 1-800-728-7825
TX DOT Sound Wall